Tuesday 29 September 2009

For London Fashion Week this year designer Alice Temperley decided to present her new collection in the form of a digital installation as opposed to the normal runway show. The theme behind both her designs and her pieces was circus.
The presentation stood out from other designers not only for the fact that it was not on a catwalk but her work was shown in a large room with mannequins displaying some of her key looks around the edge.

In the centre was a massive Zoetrope- An optical toy, in which figures made to revolve on the inside of a cylinder, and viewed through slits in its circumference, appear like a single figure passing through series of natural motions as if animated or mechanically moved. The images on the 12 foot cylinder showed circus performers and models in 15 Temperley outfits performing 10 different circus acts. It was a clever and interesting way of displaying the collection. The film combined with the music that ran alongside it had a nostalgic feel about it, as although i'm sure the mechanics behind the zoetrope were complicated, it looked like an old fashioned and quite childlike model. It made you feel like you were looking at a fun and carefree past. This combined with Temperleys fun but also quite mature designs had a very striking effect.

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